Beyond the three basic r’s

When our ancestors were studying at home or going to school, reading, ‘riting, and ‘rithmetic were sufficient. With these three r’s they could function efficiently in a simple society. Back then families and neighbors worked together closely to build a barn on the farm or erect a store in town, to grow and distribute food and crops, to raise and sell animals, and share their wares with others and eventually in the marketplace. The formation of businesses that offered the exchange of goods and services led to the creation of capitalism.

Through the decades the economy has shifted tremendously, and news articles and personal stories in the United States and other countries indicate a financial breakdown throughout most of the world. When coping with constant changes in today’s world we must focus on adapting a new set of r’s to move from just surviving to thriving.

Here are my top three r’s for starting my re-creation process:


Examine everyone and everything in your life and consider whether these people and activities support your growth as an individual and/or your development in your career. If a person is critical of you or talks negative all the time you need to create a different relationship with that person or release him or her from your life.

If any activity like hating your work, watching too much TV, eating too much, or playing too much golf are keeping you from attaining your goals in other areas, you must be willing to let go of the old to make room for the new.


Look positively at who you are and what you have to offer the world. Focus on the things you have done right and recall the activities that have given you a sense of pride and purpose. Then figure out how you can draw upon your natural abilities, your acquired skills, and your current interests to be of service, either with a volunteer project that helps the community or through a job that benefits society and earns income.

This soul-searching may even lead to development of a new business. Re-align yourself with your divine mission and expect miracles!


Take time to rejuvenate body, mind, and spirit through nourishing foods, exercise, fresh air, hobbies, inspirational literature, educational classes, additional training, etc. By fueling the physical, motivating the mental, arousing the spiritual, and stimulating the intellectual, you enhance clarity and boost energy, therefore improving attitude, increasing productivity, and promoting harmony in work and home environments.

Release old patterns and discover new ideas! Recharge, research, retrain….do whatever necessary to encourage lasting fulfillment and promote peak performance in every area of your life.

These r’s are among dozens of strategies that I am implementing to claim the Big R…Reinvention. In this blog I will be writing about the ideas and experiences that I have embraced in re-creating myself several times during my career as a writer and speaker.

Now I ask you, how are you reinventing yourself?

What are the strategies that you are implementing to promote inner satisfaction and lasting success?

©2012, AlexSandra Lett

AlexSandra Lett is currently writing Going Crazy…Getting Sane, a book about reinventing ourselves personally and professionally.

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